The Birth of CrossOver


While attempting to change scenery, hoping for an epiphany, a man found himself in a coffee shop.  Soured on working for bosses and rejecting the lack of freedom a 9-5 provides, this man began to think.

His thinking really began almost a year prior, while he was lying in bed with a torn meniscus in Okinawa.  After carefully reviewing and reflecting on his time in the Marine Corps, he made a declaration:

“I am so sick of all the politics.  I never want to work for anyone again.  I want to not only be my own boss, but I want the freedom to come and go as I please.”

Without being bogged down with the questions of “Is this realistic?” and “Is this possible?” he decided he was going to push forward no matter what.

And so the research began.

He thought to himself, “There are millions of businesses and industries.  I want to figure out which industries allow you to be more hands-off after the initial push.  I’m more than willing to work hard and long hours, but I want it to eventually reach a milestone, where I can enjoy the fruits of my labor.  I too often see people dedicating 70-80 hours a week to their business, for a span of 30 YEARS, and they never have time for anything…  They don’t seem happy to me.”

His research and education led him to several different options, one of which appealed to him the most.

“ seems that the Vending industry has a sort of ‘set it and forget it’ model, which is exactly what I’m looking for”

Further research revealed that there was virtually no profit in the current industry, with the standard vending model.  Vending machines selling traditional goods make an average of $35-$65 a month in profit, and have a break even point at around 4 years.

This was not a desirable situation.  But he couldn’t put it out of his mind.  The way he saw vending machines, and their potential was interesting.

“It’s like having a retail store, with only a fraction of the operating costs.  Why isn’t someone leveraging the conveniences and advantages by selling better products?”

So the brainstorm session started.  And continued.  What could be sold that’s in high demand?

This takes us back to the coffee shop.  As he sat there, sipping his hard-to-pronounce, high priced drink, he took notice of several people walking by.  After about 35 women walked by, he noticed that 95% all had one thing in common:

They were all wearing leggings.

See a Need, Fill a Need.

And thus the CrossOver concept was born.




Premium Leggings are now available at a location near you!

Out of your size or style at your location?  Visit our shop and get free shipping to your house!


Looking to get a CrossOver machine in your location?  Click here to fill out the Vendor Request Form, or call us at (480) 599-2553.